Friday, April 15, 2011

Want More

Conor has this funny habit of saying 'want more' after we've seen something cool outside the car as we're driving along. Driving through the country to take his brother and sister home, we see horses which he loves. "Want more" he says after we've passed them. "Want more horses," as though I can conjure some up on demand. One day we hit the jackpot and were stopped at railroad crossing to let a choo choo go by. He definitely wanted more of that. I usually suggest to keep an eye out and we might see more. Horses, yeah we'll probably see more, but choo choos are a rarity.

We have better luck with the airplanes flying overhead on our way to daycare each day. Even though there are many more flights going in and out of JBLM at night time, we've had a few mornings where we were lucky with a couple sightings. But like the horses I have to challenge him to keep looking and he might see more. He takes the challenge seriously sometimes and is content to keep looking until it is time to switch gears and look for the birds that are sometimes in the park that we pass on our way into town.

"Want more" is something he also says when his milk bottle is empty and he isn't done filling up. At 5:30 or 6 a.m. he cries to get up. Our routine is to get him up, put on a clean diaper and bring him to our bed with a small bottle of milk. 20 minutes later he hands me the bottle and says in his little voice, "want more." No problem I think, because I know the second bottle is the one that might put him back to sleep, and that will answer Mommy's "want more" plea for a little more sleep.

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