Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little boy on fast forward

Since Conor turned 2 I've been amazed at how quickly he is becoming a competent communicator. He constantly practices words, repeating everything we say just to get the sound right in his mouth. Some of his favorite songs that he hears over and over again are songs that he attempts to sing by filling in the final words of each line. He can sing most of "Twinkle twinkle little star" and he can sing his A B C's by slurring through the letters he isn't too sure of. He always finishes strong on Z and goes back to the drunken sailor slur with, "next time won't you sing with me." It always makes me laugh to hear him sing this and I'm pretty impressed with him and daycare who deserve the credit for everything he knows. Recent words and phrases: popsicle (he says opsicle but that's pretty close), crash, snack, black (he says clack), crayon, "here you go mama", "Conor's turn", "mama's turn".

Church is going well. We've brought him over for the final 25 minutes (communion and final hymn) about 3 times. Last week I ran over to the nursery to get him but he was completely passed out on one of the nursery helpers. She was stuck that way for an hour 'til church was over because she didn't want to disturb his sleeping. The times he has made it to church, he has fun checking out the stained glass windows. There are about 4 that line either side of the chapel, one large window at the back, and then another very large window up at the front. He likes to flirt with whoever is sitting in the pew behind us, and then once communion begins he watches the people walking up to the front of the church. The church provides little activity packets to keep kids busy (crayons, paper, goldfish), but so far I haven't needed to pick one of these up. I bring a sippy cup of juice and some blueberries and that's enough to get us through the last of the service.

Potty training is not really happening at this time. For a few days he was really excited because we converted his potty chair to sit on top of the big toilet with a step to get up to it. He was pretty excited to use it but even more so, he was excited to jump down from the toilet and get toilet paper to drop in the toilet and flush away. Then he wanted to repeat the whole performance. We almost clogged the toilet one day because he got a bit carried away. I could force the issue and plop him on the potty every hour or after every meal, but he's at such a stubborn place right now that he'd probably rebel at being forced. He'll be ready soon. Between seeing us at home use the potty, seeing his little buddies at daycare switch to undies and no diapers, plus just the loss of control when he has to lie patiently while we change him, I'm sure he'll say bye bye to diapers in the next few months.