Saturday, October 23, 2010

These are a few of his favorite things

Conor is like most kids, knows what he likes and what he doesn't like. And sometimes what he doesn't like is what he liked 5 minutes ago. Ahhh, the ever-changing mind of a "pre-toddler" (you've heard of "pre-teen"? well we have that and a pre-toddler in the out!).

It's a powerful thing to know what the pre-toddler *loves* because if this knowledge is used correctly, it is possible to control their actions, at least for a short period of time. So, what does Conor really love? Besides his blankie right before nightie night or in the middle of a good cry? Or besides the bedtime bottle of milk? The only thing that comes to mind is.....popsicles! I pulled one out of the freezer for him the other day and I could swear his world stopped momentarily as his eyes locked on the plastic wrapped treat and he transitioned into the foot stomping happy dance that he sometimes does. He never once took his eyes off the popsicle as he ran towards me to claim it. I hardly had time to take the wrapper off before he reached me grabbing for it. He doesn't get to have these too often. I brought one out for him that day because he'd been such a good boy and I wanted to give him a special treat.

But now, knowing how much he loves his popsicles, would it be so wrong to use it as the occasional bribe to encourage good behavior? I haven't had to worry about bribing yet but I'll keep it in mind for when that day finally comes.