Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 - Must be time for the terrible two's

Conor turns 2 mid-month, but that hasn't stopped us from complaining about the "terrible 2's" for a couple months now. I think I witnessed his first real tantrum around 18 months. He may not have been an early walker, but tantrums he picked up on easy as you please. So far we have been lucky in that the tantrums have occurred mostly at home. They're easier to laugh off at home, so I'm thinking we'll try to go from home to daycare back home again as much as possible and stay in most of the year. It will make it a quiet social year, but look at all the money we'll save.

Seriously, Conor isn't too bad even in the middle of a good crying session. If the tantrum is about something we're not willing to give in on, it doesn't take long to divert his attention to something else. A good (fake) belly chop from my husband usually has him giggling pretty quick.

The other day he refused to let me help him put his coat on. He couldn't do it himself, and finally said, "need help." Usually tantrums with me are over changing his diaper or getting dressed. Some parents say to just hand the kid an interesting toy to distract him. Ha ha ha, that worked up until a few months ago. I have to do a lot of Oscar winning acting to make a toy seem fascinating enough for him to hold while I put a new diaper on. My cell phone usually quiets him in 2 seconds but then I have to figure out how to turn off the auto-correct feature he managed to turn on.

So far there hasn't been anything too terrible that we've experienced, and I think the more language Conor acquires he'll be able to tell us what is wrong or what he wants. Hopefully he'll be open to the idea of negotiation and power sharing too. I promise I won't throw a tantrum if it doesn't happen.

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