Wednesday, July 7, 2010

He speaks!

The last two weeks or so have been exciting for us to realize that Conor's babble is slowly becoming language that we actually understand.

I had been enjoying the sound of him just stringing incomprehensible words together into babble sentences (in the back seat of the car while we're driving, or in his crib, or in his high chair at the table). I don't think even he knew what he was saying when he did this, but he enjoyed the act of "talking" and didn't care if anyone was listening or not.

Before we knew it the babble started to sound like actual words. Here is a list of words in Conor's official vocabulary: hot, bubble, milk, bottle, poop, mama, dada or daddy, kitty (sounds like keekee), Ian (sounds like Eee), up, three, bye bye, all done, go and ball.

For some reason if he doesn't know the word for an object, it is automatically "bubble" til he does learn the word. He doesn't use all the words on a regular basis, but we've heard him say each enough in the right context to know he understands what the word is. The words he uses most are bubble (he likes his blowing bubbles), go (as in Go Go Go!!!), dada, mama, and ball. He knows what blueberries are but I think it is easier for him to just say bubble when he wants them.

I catch him repeating my intonation with phrases alot. This morning I said "right now" and he mimicked the sound of the words. When he was learning to say "all done" he did the same thing.

He knows many more words of course. Ask him to go get his shoes, blanket, coat and he'll go look for them. Tell him something is "over in the corner" and he looks to the corner. If I tell him to put something in the trash he runs to the kitchen and stands at the cupboard that holds the trashcan. It's a great but dangerous time. I think we're at the point he's paying attention to things more than we might realize, especially TV and our own occasional bad words that slip out.

Here's Conor with Oma Barbara in June 2010.

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